Editor´s Choice

One wrong step, I lost Olivia and my pregnancy

One wrong step, I lost Olivia and my pregnancy

LADY GLOW319721 words

It is a known fact that 'when you walk with one without a destination, you will never get to yours'. Louis and Olivia were lovers for years. He proposed marriage to her, she accepted and gave her virginity to him. When he discovered that she was pregnant, he became distraught and ended the relationship. That act became the beginning of a very long story of regret for Louis and accomplishment for Olivia because she met someone better. Denise, Louis's cousin who was not aware of their relationship ran into her when she was at the bleak of death, saved her life and gave her shelter after he realized that she had a miscarriage. Denise and Olivia fell in love and got married after a month. She conceived immediately and when she delivered a set of twins, Louis came up to claim the children. That almost tore the family apart. Arthur, Louis father and Denise uncle a widower of thirteen years fell in love with Nichole, Denise mother a widow. Their marriage strengthened the bond between the two families, but it brought a lot of hatred from the members of the Bailey's family, who had eyes on Nichole and wished to marry her. The female members of the society who had eyes on Arthur and wished he would be theirs also unleashed their attack on them. This led to a secret plan to eliminate him and have Nichole by his cousin, Mr. Stephen Bailey. Louis refused to love again. He opted for a surgery of memory erasure, which failed. Cassandra, who loved him unconditionally, accepted to marry him but conceived for him through the IVF because he would not sleep with her. She named the child Olivia to make him happy, but he was not.

319721 words

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